
Friday 27 April 2012

Justin Bieber's Special Interview for US Magazine

Justin Bieber's Special Interview, which he has given for the Special edition of US Magazine.
Check out his full interview for the this special edition of New US Magazine below.

First big milestone: You turned 18!Know what? I’m excited to not have to check 
in my mom at night. [Laughs] Every time we used to go somewhere, I had to let 
my mama know. She worries! But now that I’m 18, I don’t necessarily have to. It’s 

Does she still treat you like a kid?It’s hard for her to let go. We fight sometimes 
because she babies me a lot. But I know at the end of the day, she’s just being 

Another big change. You’ve been living part-time in LA for the past year.
Yeah I miss the seasons. It’s always warm here. The seasons were good back 
in Canada. I definitely miss Stratford-going back to see my family and friends 
and stuff. I’ll probably get a house there, ultimately.
At least you get quality time with Selena. What do you love about her?
Justin… I dunno! She carries herself in a very elegant way. And my family loves 
her -which is usually hard because my mom’s really picky. My mom wants, you 
know, a good Christian girl with good manners.

Do you understand girls better now?
Well,  every girl is different, so they are hard to figure out. Like, the way most 
men work is the same. But each woman works differently. It’s like I can’t figure 
them out! But I do know girls like you to tell them you love them and that they’re 
all beautiful all the time. So I do that a lot with any girl I’m with. I tell them that as 
much as possible.

Most romantic gift you’ve ever given?I’m not saying to who- but I gave a girl 
an expensive diamond bracelet recently. It was so pretty, I knew she’d love it!

Would you and Selena ever do a duet?Yeah. I think she’s very talented. 
That would be very cool. We have nothing planned- but I’m not opposed to it!

Now about all that marriage talk..I’m not thinking about marriage yet! It’s too 
soon. But I definitely want kids- and more than one, because I was an only child 
for most of my life. I want my kids to have brothers and sisters. But I won’t go 
huge like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. [Laughs]

Still living with your mom, right?Yeah- and my tutor stays with us too.

Favourite school subject?American history. It’s so much more interesting 
than the history we have in Canada. So much more seems to happen here- 
all of the wars… I find it fascinating. For least favourite, I hate math. You don’t 
use it! Seriously, when is the last time you used Algebra? You can use 

What is your bedroom like?Pretty plain, actually. A 62-inch TV, a white dresser, 
some cool lamps- that’s about it. But I have like the biggest bed ever! It looks like 
a spaceship – pretty modern, curved up on the sides – with a Tempur-Pedic 
mattress and white sheets.

Any plans to move out on your own? Your mom would be so bummed.
Well there’s nothing that she can do! But then again, I might not move out until 
19 or 20. We’ll figure it out when the day comes.

Meanwhile, you’ve got a new album.
Yeah, it’s exciting. With Believe, I wanted 
to branch out, reach out all genres and making something that people wouldn’t 
expect. My last album was my first time, so I didn’t really know what I was doing. 
This time I got more hands on – coproducing, learning programming, developing 
the sound. Hopefully it’s going to be historic!

Speaking of historic, your high school graduation is around the corner!
Maybe I’ll have a ceremony. But Usher thinks that I should celebrate with all my 

friends, like he did when he finished school. So they’ll probably be a party.

Do you like this new interview....???

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