
Thursday 7 February 2013

Mom (Pattie) Talked about Justin and Selena's Relationship on Today Show

Does Justin Bieber's mother Pattie Mallette want her son Justin and his girlfriend to get
back together...??

In attending on the "Today Show" on last Thursday, Justin's mother Pattie Mallette promote
her film “Crescendo I”. In this show she also talked about Justin and Selena's relationship.

Todays’s host Savannah Guthrie asked:

“Everybody watches his personal life, we know about this 
relationship with Selena Gomez. I don’t know if moms get a vote, 
but are you hoping they keep it going?”

Mom Pattie Mallette Siad:

“You know, I just try and support whatever he’s wanting and 
I think she’s a sweetheart, and whatever they decide is great.”

Watch the interview video below:

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